Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunflowers (AGAIN!)

I'm sorry, I can't help it...these are so magical to me that I cannot resist posting this. The way the sun shines through the petals, the vibrance and the sheer size of these..they are as big as my head! I am totally in love.



and Sadie our beloved lab mix who is spoiled like a small child. She gets to sit on the couch like a person...because she sort of is. By the way...I absolutely LOVE Pinterest!



Sunday, August 7, 2011

I love sunflowers

Hi there. I had a nice weekend just relaxing. I enjoy cooking meals for my family and soaking up the sun by the pool. I woke up Sunday morning to these awesome beauties and I just had to share them with you. I can see them out my kitchen window, and waiting for the day they would open up was like waiting for Christmas. Everyday I kept going out to see them and marvel at their intricacy. They are FANTASTIC! I hope you had a nice weekend.



Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dreaming of Florida

I am dreaming of the soothing sound of the waves. The salty scent of the ocean air. The silky white sand between our toes. Tall, icy drinks, delicious food. The sun and my lovers arms. My beautiful kids splashing in the late summer heat. Sand castles and shells. Looking so forward to it. A little painting in a handmade paper sketchbook. Just an intuitive thing...it looks dreamy, like I feel.

pen, paint, paper


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You Are My Everything

There is something quite luscious about penned letters on smooth velvety paper.

pen and paper

pen and paper

Today, my grandmother turned 91. She is my everything. I love her so.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Late night art

My favorite times to create art are early in the morning when all is quiet or late at night. Some art and some pages from my handmade watercolor paper book. I love this book..the paper is so beautiful and interesting. I almost hate to put anything on it..its that pretty.



watercolor painting