Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Me: not feeling so great

I stayed home from work today. I had to go to the dentist. For the record, the dentist is the devil to me. I would rather die than go to the dentist. Almost. So my tooth started to hurt...then a little more...I took advil hoping it would go away. It didn't.
I waited a couple more face started to swell a bit...I got scared. I scheduled an emergency appointment with the dentist. So it seems I have an abscess tooth that must be surgically removed. Okay, it hurts. He put me on antibiotics and I have to come back next week for dooms day. I am not too happy. But I guess worse things could happen.
The left side of my face is slightly swollen. Even the dental assistant said she thought my cheek looked swollen. UGH. While I was waiting for the dentists office to open this morning, I was pacing around like a maniac. Then I decided to be calm and I went outside an looked around. Here is a picture of my neighbors mimosa tree that I think is sooooo beautiful!

Each little flower looks like a tiny little pink and white airbrushed japanese fan. The leaves are so delicate and fernlike. It is also a magnet for hummingbirds, and who doesn't love hummingbirds? So now I am just lying around for the rest of the day trying to feel a little better. Got started on the antibiotics. I plan to upload some art work I have done recently in a bit. bye for now.

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